Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Goals

My goals

I have a dream. I want to go to a lot of countries, because I want to see good places in the world. Therefore, I want to achieve three things during my college days.


First, I have to learn English. I have to communicate using English, because people from different countries do not speak Japanese. Therefore, if I do not speak English, it is not possible to go to a lot of countries. In short, I need great English skills during my college days.


Second, I want to get a lot of friends, because if I have a lot of friends, I will meet people who have individuality. There are a lot of people in the world. Therefore, they have different personalities. I have to understand other countries people. In short, I need a lot of friends during my college days, because I have to understand other countries people.


Third, I want to get good communication skills, because I have to talk with other countries people. For example, if I lost my way, I have to talk with other countries people and ask where I am. Therefore, I want to get good communication skills during my college days.

In conclusion, I want to achieve a lot of things during my college days. Therefore, I have to work considerably hard.


Miyu Tanaka said...
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Miyu Tanaka said...

Hello, Taito! I enjoyed reading your blog! No one can’t understand what your goals are. Actually, I have quite similar goals to yours. I want to visit as much countries as I can such as Canada, America and Italy, but it is not easy to go to so many countries, because you know we don’t have enough money and English skills:( Since Japanese don’t have confidence, it is hard for us to go abroad without great English abilities. Also I agree with your opinion that we need communication skill. If we are in foreign country, it must be necessary to talk with people there. We can’t be shy!
But I am sure that you are good at communicating with people. You are funny, humorous and friendly:) You might not believe what I am saying, believe me! Everyone would agree with me.
Don’t worry about communication thing. You are friendly, it means you can make many friends in all countries!!!! (159 words)

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