Monday, October 20, 2014

                                                Technology helps us
I agree with the idea that technology helps us have a better communication in family.

First, you can speak anyone, anytime. My sister lives in Hyogo prefecture. She rarely comes back to my home because she is a college student. My father wants to talk with my sister. However, if we cannot use technology, my father cannot talk with my sister. It is no problem for me, but my father will be sad. In short, technology is a very important thing for us.

Second, you can speak not only domestic but also foreign countries. If your father, mother, brother or sister lives in foreign countries, you have to use technology. Probably, you cannot go to foreign countries many times and you do not have a lot of money. Therefore, you have to use technology. For example, you have to use PC or phone. In short, you have to use technology because it is useful.

Third, you can use easily and quickly. If you want to communicate with your family, you just use phone. You do not have to wait for a long time. You just wait for a few seconds. If you use letter, you have to wait for a long time. Maybe, you cannot stand. You want to communicate with your family quickly.

In conclusion, technology helps us have a communication in family. Therefore, you should use technology many times.(231 words)


Unknown said...

Hello, Taito. I read your article. Your opinion is same as mine. Especially, having a communication in foreign countries is most important for us because we are students of Eibei. If we don’t have a phone, we can’t contact with our family, so we can’t live without technology.
Moreover, when we go abroad, our parents must worry us. Technology helps us in such
a time. As you said, technology is vital for us. I completely agree with your idea.

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