Monday, November 10, 2014

Children should start learning a foreign language very early


I agree with this topic. Therefore, I will introduce you to 3 in my opinions why I chose this topic.


First, younger people will easy to use a foreign language. We have been learned English since we were junior high school students, but we cannot use English very well. We always think how to use English very well. Of course, I always think how to speak English very well, but I cannot speak English very well. I often think I should have learned English earlier. Therefore, if we learn English very early, we would use English very well. In short, learn a foreign language, and you will not have troubles.


Second, expand your choice. I sometimes hear a voice that want to go abroad for studying at foreign countries university. However, they cannot speak a foreign language. As a result, a lot of people give up their dream, So that that won't happen we should learn a foreign language very early. According to the Internet site, the younger people learn a foreign language, the easier to get ability. In short, should learn a foreign language very early.


Third, can make a lot of foreign countries’ friends. If we can speak English or other languages, we can easy to make foreign countries friends. Foreign countries’ friends have different ideas, so it is a great things for us. In short, it is a great thing for us what we make foreign countries’ friends


In conclusion, there are a lot of great reasons what people learn a foreign language very early. Therefore, people should do.(270 words)



Unknown said...

Hi, Taito! I read your blog. Your homepage is really cool. Also the pictures of American football players are fantastic! Content of your article is nice, too. Your article have a lot of good expressions. For example, “expand your choice” is good. I wanted to write this topic, but I didn’t know how to write. Bye. (56words)

Unknown said...

Hello, Taito!! I read your wonderful blog and it made me surprised. You are good at using computer, don’t you? I want to make blog page like you. By the way, I agree with your article. It is important to get accustom using English early for improving your English skills. However, I think that I can become fluent speaker if I make effort to improve it. I know you can speak English with your confidence, so please tell me the good way to improve it.

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