Monday, October 6, 2014


How to enjoy a weekend

Are you tired? Maybe, everyone is tired. Therefore, I will tell you how to enjoy a weekend.


First, wake up early. I often wake up at 6, especially I wake up at 5 on the weekend. This is because I enjoy a weekend a lot of time. If you wake up at noon, you will not enjoy a weekend. Furthermore, good for your health. According to Japanese government, if you wake up early, your brain will be activation. In short, the early bird gets the worm.


Second, play sports. I play golf with my family on a weekend, because my father recommend me. After I played golf, I feel refreshed. However, I do not like golf, because it is a very boring sports. I like active sports. For example, I like soccer, American football, basketball and something like that. Anyway, to play sports is a healthy form of exercise. In short, you should play sports.


Third, do not stay up late. I always go to bed at 10:30, because if it was Sunday, next day is Monday. Therefore, if you stay up late, you will not wake up in the morning. Furthermore, you will get “F”. Not to get “F”, you don’t have to stay up late and wake up early.


In conclusion, you have to wake up early, play sports and do not stay up late. To do these are good for your health and enjoy a weekend (244 words)


Unknown said...

Hi, Taito. I enjoyed reading your blog! I found that your way and my way were completely opposite, so I was surprised to read your blog. I agree on your first part which is getting up early. As you said, I feel like I waste my time when I get up at noon. However it is hard for me to get up at 6, I think it is too early. I usually work part time on weekend. if I have a day off, I don’t want to do anything. I guess you like to move and you are active, you don’t understand my way of thinking. Anyway, it was really fun to know the another opinion!

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