Monday, December 8, 2014

Urgent issues

Japan is facing urgent issues


Now Japan is facing several issues. Accordingly, I suggest that Japanese economy will break down. We should be concerned about this problem, so I would like to say 2 reasons why I think of it.


First, Japan did quantitative easing. Quantitative easing which means government makes much money on purpose. It is dangerous for Japan, because the value of Yen depreciates. When this things happen, prices of several things are increase. For example, the prices of flour, the prices of milk and the prices of batter will increase. If it becomes so, we cannot buy anything. In brief, if we cannot consume anything, Japanese economy will break down.


Second, Japan has a lot of debts. It is a big problem for Japan and us, because if Japan transcend, the value of Yen will nothing. If it becomes, our saving that put money in a bank will be wastepaper. The reason why all of banks will go bankrupt, because from above reasons. Of course, we can have foreign assets, but it is more dangerous than Japanese assets. The reason why a lot of foreign countries are not to be trusted, so there is a high possibility to break down. In short, we cannot keep on living in Japan if a lot of debts increase too much.


In conclusion, this problem are not only Japan, but also our life. Therefore, concerned about Japan, or Japan will collapse. I have confidence in this decision.(246 words)



Unknown said...

Hi, Taito. I enjoyed reading your blog! Actually, I don’t know about economy, but I also think that Japanese economy are breaking down. As you said, if we don’t buy anything, Japanese economy does not recover. I do know that, but the price of crops are high now, so I tend to buy less. I think it is difficult to break away from deflation, but this problem affect our life directly, so we have to think about it more carefully. In addition, I know that Japan has a lot of debts. It is said from many years ago, so I want Japanese government to solve this problem as soon as possible though it is hard to solve.

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