Monday, January 12, 2015

About Writing class

Now, I really enjoy my college life. The reason why there is writing class. To tell the truth, writing class is the best class. Of course, I like OC class, reading class and something like that, but writing class is the best, so I will tell you why writing class is the best. First, writing classmates are great people. If I have a question, any writing classmate answer my question quickly. I really admire writing classmates. Second, atmosphere is great. Once everyone decide to do something, they do it to the end. Even if everyone wants to play the game, people do not do it before they have to do something. That is why I can study harder in writing class. Third, teacher is a great man. I think if teacher is a bad person, nobody study harder. In short, the more teacher is great, the more everyone study harder. In conclusion, writing class is the best, because there are great classmates and teacher. I am proud of my writing class.(171 words).

Monday, December 15, 2014

earn in stock in this year

I have earned in stock this year

I earned in stock, so I am really proud of my accomplishment. First, why did I play the market? The reason why I wanted to know Japanese economy, and my father recommend playing the market. At first, I could not understand Japanese economy, but I gradually earned in stock. I understood Japanese economy, so I am proud of myself. If I did not earn in stock, I cannot proud of myself.
In short, we cannot earn much money easily, but I could earn much money. Probably, nobody who are my friends cannot earn much money than me. That is why I am really proud of my accomplishment.
(109 words)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Urgent issues

Japan is facing urgent issues


Now Japan is facing several issues. Accordingly, I suggest that Japanese economy will break down. We should be concerned about this problem, so I would like to say 2 reasons why I think of it.


First, Japan did quantitative easing. Quantitative easing which means government makes much money on purpose. It is dangerous for Japan, because the value of Yen depreciates. When this things happen, prices of several things are increase. For example, the prices of flour, the prices of milk and the prices of batter will increase. If it becomes so, we cannot buy anything. In brief, if we cannot consume anything, Japanese economy will break down.


Second, Japan has a lot of debts. It is a big problem for Japan and us, because if Japan transcend, the value of Yen will nothing. If it becomes, our saving that put money in a bank will be wastepaper. The reason why all of banks will go bankrupt, because from above reasons. Of course, we can have foreign assets, but it is more dangerous than Japanese assets. The reason why a lot of foreign countries are not to be trusted, so there is a high possibility to break down. In short, we cannot keep on living in Japan if a lot of debts increase too much.


In conclusion, this problem are not only Japan, but also our life. Therefore, concerned about Japan, or Japan will collapse. I have confidence in this decision.(246 words)


Monday, December 1, 2014

Having a boyfriend or girlfriend should make you like better


I agree with this topic. It is good for us. Therefore, I will tell you two reasons why I agree with this topic.  


First, boyfriends or girlfriends support us. We sometimes are worried about something. For example, we are worried about homework, little trouble events or something like that. If we have boyfriends or girlfriends, we will be not worried about these things. Of course, someone feels troublesome having a boyfriend of girlfriend. However, it is great benefit for us. Nobody might choose bad things. In short, we should have boyfriends or girlfriends.


Second, boyfriends or girlfriends make us feel happy. Probably, a lot of people do not like staying alone. Of course, I hate stay alone. I want to talk with anyone all the time. Now, I live my house with my parents. My sister lives in Hyogo prefecture. However, it does not matter for me, because my sister is really scary woman. I do not want to talk with my sister all the time. Anyway, if I live alone, I will want to talk with anyone except for my sister. That’s why, I think we need boyfriends or girlfriends. To sum up, we need our interlocutors. Definitely, boyfriends or girlfriends make us feel happy.


In conclusion, boyfriends or girlfriends support us, and they make us feel happy. Therefore, there are lots of advantages what we have boyfriends or girlfriends, so we should find good partners.(247 words).

Monday, November 10, 2014

Children should start learning a foreign language very early


I agree with this topic. Therefore, I will introduce you to 3 in my opinions why I chose this topic.


First, younger people will easy to use a foreign language. We have been learned English since we were junior high school students, but we cannot use English very well. We always think how to use English very well. Of course, I always think how to speak English very well, but I cannot speak English very well. I often think I should have learned English earlier. Therefore, if we learn English very early, we would use English very well. In short, learn a foreign language, and you will not have troubles.


Second, expand your choice. I sometimes hear a voice that want to go abroad for studying at foreign countries university. However, they cannot speak a foreign language. As a result, a lot of people give up their dream, So that that won't happen we should learn a foreign language very early. According to the Internet site, the younger people learn a foreign language, the easier to get ability. In short, should learn a foreign language very early.


Third, can make a lot of foreign countries’ friends. If we can speak English or other languages, we can easy to make foreign countries friends. Foreign countries’ friends have different ideas, so it is a great things for us. In short, it is a great thing for us what we make foreign countries’ friends


In conclusion, there are a lot of great reasons what people learn a foreign language very early. Therefore, people should do.(270 words)


Monday, October 27, 2014

Think of skills that a person should have in order to succeed in the modern world

Now, a lot of people need skills that a person should have in order to succeed in the modern world.


First, communication skill is the most important thing. We always talk with anyone. If we do not have this skill, we cannot communicate with others. Furthermore, we have to do hunting job when we are 3rd grade. Then, we need communication skill. In short, we use communication skill, and we have to get communication skill.


Second, we need positive idea skill. We often happen bad things. Then we often give up and think bad. However, we cannot succeed in modern world when we give up and think bad. Therefore, we have to get positive idea and we have to challenge. To sum up, we have to have positive idea.


Third, we need minimum necessary knowledge due to succeed in the modern world. For example, if we do not know easy Kanji, we will get embarrassed. It is a very serious problem. In short, we have to get minimum necessary knowledge.


In conclusion, people need 3 skills, but actually we need not only 3 skills but also other skills. Therefore, we have to become greater person than we are at present.(216 words)

Monday, October 20, 2014

                                                Technology helps us
I agree with the idea that technology helps us have a better communication in family.

First, you can speak anyone, anytime. My sister lives in Hyogo prefecture. She rarely comes back to my home because she is a college student. My father wants to talk with my sister. However, if we cannot use technology, my father cannot talk with my sister. It is no problem for me, but my father will be sad. In short, technology is a very important thing for us.

Second, you can speak not only domestic but also foreign countries. If your father, mother, brother or sister lives in foreign countries, you have to use technology. Probably, you cannot go to foreign countries many times and you do not have a lot of money. Therefore, you have to use technology. For example, you have to use PC or phone. In short, you have to use technology because it is useful.

Third, you can use easily and quickly. If you want to communicate with your family, you just use phone. You do not have to wait for a long time. You just wait for a few seconds. If you use letter, you have to wait for a long time. Maybe, you cannot stand. You want to communicate with your family quickly.

In conclusion, technology helps us have a communication in family. Therefore, you should use technology many times.(231 words)