Monday, September 29, 2014

My goal of this semester

My goal of this semester

I want to talk with people from different countries. Therefore, I am going to do 2 things.

First, I am going to go to the World Plaza because I want to talk with a lot of foreign people. If I cannot speak English, I will never make friends. I want to know what people from different countries think of Japan. Therefore, I have to speak English and I need English skill. In short, I have to go to the World Plaza many times.


Second, I am going to study English. For example, I am going to study TOEIC and TOEFL. However, why do I have to study English so hard? Because, I want to go abroad, I want to make other countries friends and I want to work abroad. If I want to go abroad, I want to make friends and I want to get job, I need English skills, especially I need academic English skills, American or British English slang and economic English skills. In short, I have to study TOEIC and TOEFL.


In conclusion, I have to do a lot of things that I really need. It is a big deal and it is first world problems. However, it will be worth them, so I will do my best. (216  words)

Monday, September 22, 2014

During Summer Vacation

During summer vacation


I went to Vietnam and Cambodia with my family, so I will tell you what I did during summer vacation.


First, I went to Vietnam. I thought Vietnam people can speak English, but Vietnam people cannot speak English. One day, I went to restaurant in Vietnam. Then, I ordered “Coca Cola”. However, waiter did not understand what I said. I was surprised, because guidebooks say “Vietnam people can speak English very well”. In short, if you go to Vietnam, you will be surprised


Second, I went to Cambodia. I went to Angkor Wat. It is a World Heritage Site. I saw Angkor Wat in the morning. However, I was very sleepy because I wake up at 4. I could not stand. Therefore, it was asleep while not knowing. However, I really enjoyed. In short, Angkor Wat is my recommendation.


Third, I found really strange fruits. When I ate breakfast in Cambodia, I found really strange fruits. However, I did not eat them. Therefore, I asked waiter what was them. Waiter said “It is a dragon fruits, very great taste”. Then I ate it. As a result, it was a nasty. However, it was a good experience. In short, I really enjoyed.


In conclusion, I really had a wonderful time. If you have an opportunity, you should go Vietnam and Cambodia. I think it will be a wonderful experience for you. (234words)