Monday, September 22, 2014

During Summer Vacation

During summer vacation


I went to Vietnam and Cambodia with my family, so I will tell you what I did during summer vacation.


First, I went to Vietnam. I thought Vietnam people can speak English, but Vietnam people cannot speak English. One day, I went to restaurant in Vietnam. Then, I ordered “Coca Cola”. However, waiter did not understand what I said. I was surprised, because guidebooks say “Vietnam people can speak English very well”. In short, if you go to Vietnam, you will be surprised


Second, I went to Cambodia. I went to Angkor Wat. It is a World Heritage Site. I saw Angkor Wat in the morning. However, I was very sleepy because I wake up at 4. I could not stand. Therefore, it was asleep while not knowing. However, I really enjoyed. In short, Angkor Wat is my recommendation.


Third, I found really strange fruits. When I ate breakfast in Cambodia, I found really strange fruits. However, I did not eat them. Therefore, I asked waiter what was them. Waiter said “It is a dragon fruits, very great taste”. Then I ate it. As a result, it was a nasty. However, it was a good experience. In short, I really enjoyed.


In conclusion, I really had a wonderful time. If you have an opportunity, you should go Vietnam and Cambodia. I think it will be a wonderful experience for you. (234words)


Unknown said...

Hi, Taito. Your blog is very wonderful. I’ve never been abroad, so your story sounds much more interesting. I was surprised that ‘Coca Cola’ was not understood by the Vietnamese because I thought it was famous all over the world. Also, it’s a little sorrowful that you woke up so early that you felt asleep while seeing Angkor Wat. However, you could enjoy it in such a bad condition, I also feel like going there. Finally, I want to try to eat Cambodian strange fruits though you say they taste bad. Since the opportunities to eat such unfamiliar foods are rare, your experience is so valuable. Please tell me your story more closely if you have time. (117 words)

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