Wednesday, May 14, 2014

About my friend

                                                                  About my friend

Let me introduce about my best friend. My friend is a boy. My friend and I talk everything. My friend is a very good person.

Frist, I have been together ever since elementary school. However, my friend entered other University. My friend is fun to be around. When I was a high school student, my friend and I talked everything. For example, we talked about homework, about next class and what to do after school. We were so excited. Anyway, my friend is fun to be around.

Second, my friend is very kind and clever. Thus, I asked about my homework. When I did not my homework, I copied my friend homework. High school homework is too boring. For example, teachers said “What do you think about the tale of Genji?” I did not like high school homework. Therefore, I coped my friend homework. However, I will never to do. Anyway, my friend is kind and clever.

Third, my friend can understand what I say. When I asked about test, he said “Test is from page ten to page twenty”. I was surprised. I did not say anything. Anyway, he knows everything about me.

In conclusion, my friend helps me a lot. That was very helpful of him. Anyway, my friend is a very good person. (221 words)


Miyu Tanaka said...

Hey, Taito!!!! I extremely enjoyed reading your blog written about your best friend!!!
I could understand how important he is for you. You might miss him, don’t you?I think your best friend must be a nice guy because he helped you a lot when you were in high school. I can understand how you feel because I have such a good friend, too. When I forgot to bring homework, one of my friends showed me her homework and I copied it. Thanks to her, I could hand in my homework. It was really helpful. I want to be such a good person someday and help my friends when they are in trouble if I can.
I hope you can keep in touch with your best friend for a long time:)

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