Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Part -time job

Part-time job

I do not think college students have part-time job. There are three reasons why college students should not have part-time job.


First, college students should study. A lot of college students study hard around the world. However, Japanese college students do not study hard. This is a big problem. If Japanese college students study, Japanese college students will be left behind. In short, Japanese college students should study hard.


Second, it is not good to lead a life where you are misled by money. Money is very important for college students. For example, if they have a lot of money, they will go shopping with their friends, they will buy a car and they will save money. College students do anything, but there are more important thing than money. If college students do not work part-time job, they spend other things. In short, it is not good to lead a life where you are misled by money


Third, college students should get qualification. For example, college students get good score TOEIC, financial planner and official business test. These qualifications will someday be useful. College students will need these qualifications. For example, college students will be need job hunting using these qualifications. In short, college students should get qualification.


In conclusion, there are more important things than money. Time is money. College students have to do what college students should. In short, I think college students do not need part-time job.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Goals

My goals

I have a dream. I want to go to a lot of countries, because I want to see good places in the world. Therefore, I want to achieve three things during my college days.


First, I have to learn English. I have to communicate using English, because people from different countries do not speak Japanese. Therefore, if I do not speak English, it is not possible to go to a lot of countries. In short, I need great English skills during my college days.


Second, I want to get a lot of friends, because if I have a lot of friends, I will meet people who have individuality. There are a lot of people in the world. Therefore, they have different personalities. I have to understand other countries people. In short, I need a lot of friends during my college days, because I have to understand other countries people.


Third, I want to get good communication skills, because I have to talk with other countries people. For example, if I lost my way, I have to talk with other countries people and ask where I am. Therefore, I want to get good communication skills during my college days.

In conclusion, I want to achieve a lot of things during my college days. Therefore, I have to work considerably hard.